Hey, I’m writing this from the nice confines of my friend’s porch in Nashville and I’m not used to green grass or the quiet hum of a lawnmower.
I’ve been traveling and seeing family this week so I missed the mid-week update.
But I read some stuff…
Believe that there is no such thing as waste. Creative work is the residue of time “wasted.” Of materials “wasted.”
I also try to encourage my kids to keep working and creating drafts no matter if it’s a “keeper” or not
Perfectly captures the boondoggle of the modern work experience
h/t to my friend Russ for sending
No one buys books from
I would’ve written about this during the week if I would have had the time, some stats:
The DOJ’s lawyer collected data on 58,000 titles published in a year and discovered that 90 percent of them sold fewer than 2,000 copies and 50 percent sold less than a dozen copies.
Most acquisitions are for celebrities and politicians
96% of books sell fewer than 1000 copies
Keep writing (lol)
In defense of trad publishing (Twitter thread from Nat Eliason)
On another note, Nat adds his 2 cents about publishing with a traditional publisher
This is a non-fiction finance memoir, not fiction, so it’s different than a lot of the stats above
Here’s an interview with Justin Taylor &
about Justin’s new novel & Justin is one of my favorite writers. I’ll definitely be buying Reboot.“Reboot is a hilarious and thoughtful romp through our culture of endless rebooting—with detours into toxic online fandom, climate change, conspiracy theories, and more—following a wash-up actor who is trying to simultaneously reboot his life and the teen TV drama he starred in.”
The Virtuous Mean Between Time Drunkenness and Work Martyrdom by
Work should neither be demonized nor overly glorified but wisely seen as a necessary aspect of life that offers an opportunity for timelessness, allowing us to serve those who matter most.
Maggie Nelson on the conversations she wants to be having at The New Yorker
From the archive
Notes on Consumption
Enjoying The Biography of X after re-starting it a week or 2 ago. I understand the story better now that I’m reading it in print
My parents live in Shreveport, Louisiana, a dying(?) mid-tier city kinda holding on to dear life, but the library had this book about New York by Colson Whitehead which I feel like I read part of the last time I was in New York??? Anyway, Colson Whitehead = good writer, and good reflections on the city eats you up in a weird way
I may go see the Alex Garland movie Civil War tonight while I’m in Nashville. Nice!
Here’s my Spotify On Repeat playlist if you want to know what I listened to while driving 9 hours from Shreveport to Nashville in a rental car that I got at the last minute b/c my previous reservation fell through (adulting!)
What are you reading? LMK
Last thing
“Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” ― Pablo Picasso
Keep going-
Josh Spilker