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It’s almost the new year (2023!) which means new promises.
I will read more. I will write more. I will work on my side project.
You know how it goes.
But dreams without goals, are just that: dreams.
Denzel Washington (yes, Denzel!) does a good job of explaining it in this video:
To make those dreams more of a reality for your writing, it takes 2 things:
What do those really mean?
Discipline is the willpower that makes you show up.
Consistency is the act of showing up.
What tips can you use to make writing more of a reality?
1. Make a schedule to help with consistency.
This doesn’t necessarily mean writing every day.
15 minutes on certain days is consistent.
It may not seem like much, but that’s a consistent plan. Then it takes discipline to execute.
If you miss one day, don’t miss two.
It’s not picking a day, working for 12 hours, and then not writing for a month. (I’ve fallen into that pattern several times).
2. Consistency will create calm in your work.
There won’t be (as much) panic or feelings of guilt about your “lack of progress.”
3. Some writing days will be better than others. Expect it.
You’re making space for that to happen. The discipline is that you keep coming back. The consistency is in the progress that you’re making, day by day, even if some days are better than others.
4. Know what’s stopping you from writing more
Social media? Delete it for a period of time. Television? Plan a return date. Your phone? Leave it in the other room (or God forbid leave it at home).
5. Schedule your creativity like a meeting, a big event, or a date.
If you want to be creative and write, examine the way you historically spend your time and use discipline to make the change. Your habits will need to change.
Treat your creativity with respect — that’s discipline.
Do it often — that’s consistency.
Discipline creates consistent writing.
Do what you say you’re going to do when you promise to do it.
Write when you say you’re going to write.
No matter who is observing you and even if you’re doing it for yourself.
You’ll need the discipline to try new drafts and ideas even if you don’t hit publish.
That consistency will produce new results.
You’ll need the discipline to return to your writing projects, and sort through rejections.
That consistency will help you produce new results.
Write those tips down in Notion, make them your mantra in a journal, or pin them to the top of your laptop.
Discipline and consistency aren’t always fun, but they make everything else in your writing function.
Your social media, your newsletter, and your blog posts. Even if you hit a few viral home runs, you’ll still need to return to the cursor at some point.
That takes discipline and consistency to make it happen.
Keep going,
Josh Spilker
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